Thursday, November 14, 2013

Nice "Finish"

Welcome … AAC is proud to announce the launching of our first blog!  This blog will feature information relevant to the Anodizing Industry written by guest authors who are respected leaders in the industry, as well as staff.  Topics will range from technical information to the Council’s educational events  and everything in between. 

AAC welcomes comments and supports discussions on each entry.  Be sure to share this blog with your colleagues as well as end users!

 To start us off on the right foot, Jack Tetrault, President of Sanford Process Corporation shares information from our recent Annual Anodizing Conference held in Seattle, Washington. 

              Nice “Finish”
The Aluminum Anodizing Council, headed by newly elected President Rand Baldwin, ended its 2013 conference & Exposition with a strong close. The council, dedicated to the advancement of Aluminum and Aluminum anodizing and support of its members showed why being a member of this organization pays big dividends.

The conference had a tremendous start due to the much demanded Anodize Quality Workshop, spear-headed by Dr. Jude Runge. This session not only drew the accolades from those who attended, but also forced later conversation for the need to accommodate more attendees, due to its success and much sought after seats. The Council also set up a two facility tours of Boeing. These tours included a private viewing of the 100+ foot anodize tanks and looks at the incredible capacities needed to process these critical parts.

On day two, the conference began with a very special general session speaker, Dr. Arthur Brace. “The Father of Anodizing” presented “60 Years in the Development of a New Model of Anodic Coating Formation”. Dr. Brace has dedicated his life to serving the anodizing industry and his presence alone speaks volumes to the importance of the AAC in the anodize industry. Next, following Dr. Brace was John Weritz, who showed us why recycling of aluminum is a world-wide responsibility in his presentation of “Aluminum Recycling”.                 

John was followed by Andy Joswiak, who presented “Finishing Strategies for High Post-Consumer-Content Recycled Aluminum Extrusion”. Andy pointed us towards the reality and necessity of finishing parts made from these recycled products. The afternoon focus sessions included some very informative and educational material presented on many topics, by diversely skilled individuals, leaving the attendees with a yearning for more.  

However, those who thought the high point had been reached and departed early or decided not to attend Thursday’s speeches, missed a fabulous close. Dr. Jude Runge began the final half day general session with a presentation on “Anodizing for Design and Function” which was not only well presented but touched on many areas near and dear to an anodizer’s heart. Next, Patrick Curtin, illuminated the audience with his speech on “Aluminum and Aluminum Finishing Needed for the Lighting Industry. Patrick’s talk explained the future of LED and OLED lighting and its impact on the anodizing and aluminum industry while enlightening us to what we can expect as individual consumers. Whew! Right?  It was far from over. Professor Mathieu Brochu of McGill University then lectured on the world’s energy crisis and the need for reusable energy sources. His work brought attention to the use of aluminum as a conduit for using the sun’s energy to power our planet. I am now a believer. Lastly, but certainly not least, Ricky L. Martin of Boeing presented “Forecasting the use of Aluminum in the Future of Aircraft”. Mr. Martin explained the demand for more aircraft due to the publics’ demand and need for air travel and the role aluminum is expected to play in it. If you left early, I feel bad. If you didn’t come at all, take my advice, don’t miss the next one. 

This year’s conference showed an industry that they should get on board and be a part of this organization or be left wondering what happened.         

This post was written by AAC Board of Directors Member Jack Tetrault of Sanford Process Corporation.

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